A Soul Care and Spiritual Formation Ministry
Spiritual Formation is the process of a Christian being formed into the image of Christ. There are practices and disciplines that can foster this, but true transformation happens when we fall in love with Jesus.

Roseanne Elling
Roseanne was a counselor for over twenty-five years, specializing in relationships, trauma and grief, and depression and anxiety. Toward the end of her time as a counselor, she sensed God’s inviting her to invest more in the spiritual lives of the people. Besides being a lover and champion of people, Roseanne’s experiences include being a speaker, retreat leader, missionary and ministry soul care provider, Bible study leader, mentor, and aspiring writer.

Contact Me
Where can you get more information about Spiritual Direction? You can learn more about Spiritual Direction in general and the details and theological underpinnings of Roseanne’s training program by clicking here.
An additional resource is located here.
Or, simply send me a note below to learn more.